disha hospital frontview


Your trusted healthcare partner in Chitradurga, Karnataka, India. We take pride in providing compassionate and expert medical care to our community. Located in the heart of Chitradurga, our hospital specializes in a wide range of medical services to address the diverse healthcare needs of our patients.

Our Core Values

Disha Hospital's core values epitomize our dedication to exceptional healthcare. Grounded in compassion, we treat patients with empathy and understanding. Excellence is our hallmark, with an unwavering commitment to delivering top-tier medical care. Integrity is non-negotiable, fostering trust through honesty and ethical conduct. Dedication drives our team to prioritize patient well-being. We embrace innovation, investing in cutting-edge technology to remain at the forefront of healthcare. Community is at our heart, as we actively support and enhance the well-being of the communities we serve. These values shape our daily actions, reflecting our mission to provide superior care to our patients and community.

disha hospital sideview

Our Expertise

Disha Hospital epitomizes expertise in healthcare, boasting a proficient team dedicated to various specialized fields. Our seasoned general physicians offer comprehensive care, while our surgical team excels in both routine and intricate procedures. Advanced laparoscopic techniques ensure minimal invasiveness and accelerated recovery. Specialized services like laser proctology, endoscopy, gynecology, and ENT showcase our commitment to diverse healthcare needs. Our experts, equipped with cutting-edge knowledge, provide superior medical solutions, reflecting our unwavering dedication to patient well-being. Disha Hospital stands as a beacon of healthcare proficiency, delivering excellence in every aspect of our specialized services.

Founder Message

disha hospital Founder

Disha Hospital was founded with a simple yet profound mission: to provide high-quality healthcare services with compassion, integrity, and dedication. Our commitment to this mission is unwavering. We believe that every patient who walks through our doors deserves the very best care and attention.

At Disha Hospital, we are more than just a healthcare facility; we are a place where your health and well-being come first. We have assembled a team of experienced medical professionals who share our vision and are dedicated to ensuring your health is in safe hands.

As the founder of Disha Hospital, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our community for entrusting us with their health. We pledge to continue our journey of service, constantly striving for excellence, and staying at the forefront of medical innovation to meet your healthcare needs.

Thank you for choosing Disha Hospital as your healthcare provider. Your trust inspires us to do better every day.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to serving you and your loved ones with the best in healthcare.


Dr. Sharath B V

Founder & Managing Director, Disha Hospital