Specialized Center for Endoscopy Treatment at Chitradurga

If you're considering Endoscopy Treatment for various medical conditions at an affordable cost, Disha Hospital is your ideal destination. We provide access to highly experienced Endoscopist treatment who can offer cost-effective procedures. Contact us today to discuss your options and take the first step towards your treatment journey.

What is Endoscopy?

An endoscopist is a medical specialist who performs endoscopy, a procedure that involves using a flexible, slender tube with a camera and light source to examine the interior of various organs or body cavities, such as the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, or urinary system. Endoscopists are trained to conduct these procedures and interpret the findings to diagnose and manage medical conditions.

Our Specialities

Upper GI endoscopy

Upper GI endoscopy is a medical procedure where a flexible tube with a camera examines the upper gastrointestinal tract, helping diagnose and treat various digestive system issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Endoscopists can perform a range of procedures, including gastrointestinal endoscopy, bronchoscopy, and urological endoscopy, to diagnose and treat issues in specific areas of the body.

Endoscopy is used to investigate and diagnose conditions such as digestive disorders, lung problems, and urinary tract issues, providing detailed images for accurate assessment.

Endoscopy is typically not painful, as it's performed under anesthesia or sedation. Patients may experience mild discomfort or minimal side effects.

Seek referrals, check qualifications, and ask about the endoscopist's experience and the specific procedure. Discuss any concerns and post-procedure care during the consultation.